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For this type of profile, the cyberstalker believes the victim both deserves and requires being frightened because they have caused them and/or others anguish and distress. Fear and distress experienced by the victim are the goals of this type of cyberstalker. Resentful cyberstalkers are fully aware the victim is cognizant of the stalking but continues to fulfill a distorted vendetta he/she feels is warranted. Resentful Cyberstalkers: This type of cyberstalker can be dangerous given their perceived motivation for stalking. Paul Mullen, and a group of investigators identified five types of stalkers, which remain applicable today for stalkers and cyberstalkers and as follows:

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When anger, rage and hostility towards the victim are involved, the stalker is fully aware of the anguish he/she is causing, but feels the victim is deserving of the fear or simply does not care. Blinded by his/her motivations to stalk someone in the first place causes them to lose sight of the fear and terror they are causing. Whatever the psychological rationale may be, the stalker rarely comprehends the fear he/she is causing the other person. In the most severe cases, the stalker is defined as a predatory stalker or sociopath. When not deemed as psychotic, stalkers are considered plagued by some type of personality disorder or fueled by unique psychological factors. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals view most stalkers as suffering from a psychiatric illness(s) causing them to be psychotic or delusional. It is also crucial to begin keeping a written log documenting each time the stalker makes contact. Once the harassment stage has been established, it is during this period that the potential victim needs to contact law enforcement. During this period, the victim views the stalker’s actions as more of a form of harassment as opposed to an escalating dangerous situation. Initially, stalking usually takes the form of annoying, threatening or obscene telephone calls, emails or letters. Stalking involves one person’s obsessive behavior toward another person. The predator that initiates and sustains the stalking behavior(s) may or may not recognize he/she is causing their victim serious alarm, perceptual torment and the unfortunate experience of being terrorized. Stalking is a behavior wherein a person willfully and repeatedly engages in conduct directed towards another person who, if known by the victim, causes significant concern and fear. Learning to profile and predict the stalker & cyberstalker reduces the predator’s objective of causing you or your loved ones psychological and physical harm. The goal of victim prevention is to first understand their rationale for acting as a predator and then develop strategies to prevent becoming a victim. The typologies of stalkers are theoretical descriptions shared by both the cyber and physical stalkers. With the advent of Information and Communications Technology, cyberstalking has grown to become a concern for law enforcement and anyone engaged in online activities.

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Cyberstalking Facts: The stalker & cyberstalker profile involves multiple descriptions, definitions and dimensions.

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